Amazon Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) and A+ Pages are now visible on main product pages on Amazon mobile and the Amazon mobile app for many products.
During the 2016 holiday season, Amazon Reported that more than 72 percent of Amazon customers worldwide shopped using a mobile device. Now that Enhanced Brand Content and A+ Pages are available for many products for this massive load of sellers, EBC and A+ may prove to be a key ingredient to increasing conversions.
EBC and A+ on Amazon Mobile

Enhanced Brand Content includes enhanced images and text placements on a product listing. A+ Pages include high quality photos, video, and comparison charts.
Previously, Amazon hid all Enhanced Brand Content and A+ Pages from mobile shoppers. To view the enhanced content on mobile, shoppers needed to click into the Product Description.
Now for many products, Enhanced Brand Content and A+ Pages is showing up just under “Have a question?” as the first “About this item” element. They even show up ahead of the description, features & details. There are still products that require clicking into the description, but Amazon may continue rolling out this feature to all.
For those products with enhanced content showing on the main page, with just a few scrolls on a mobile device, Enhanced Brand Content and A+ pages are available to convince a shopper to buy. This is an awesome opportunity to show off your product in a super simple and visual way to shoppers looking for more information.
Enhanced Brand Content still is not indexed, meaning Amazon does not pull the copy for search queries. So far, we have not seen an incredible uptick in conversion rates with EBC. But according to Amazon, A+ enhanced marketing content “increases sales an average of 3-10% by increasing conversion, SEO relevance, and customer purchase confidence.”
As you’re prepping for the 2017 holiday season, optimizing for mobile is crucial. Shopping on the Amazon mobile app grew by 56% in 2016 from the previous year, and that number will likely only continue to climb.
This addition of EBC and A+ on the main mobile page for tons of products could certainly have a positive impact on how these listings convert on mobile.
How to Get Amazon Enhanced Brand Content or A+ Pages
Enhanced Brand Content is only available for approved brand owners, which requires enrolling in Amazon’s Brand Registry program. Requirements include a registered trademark and product/packaging that carries the registered brand name.
A+ Pages are only available to Amazon Vendors. Vendor Central requires an invitation from Amazon and allows sellers to sell products directly to Amazon.
The Latest Benefit to Brand Registry
Amazon has been aggressively adding to its Brand Registry program benefits. Notable features of Brand Registry 2.0 include:
- Enhanced Brand Content (now on mobile main pages for many products… and Amazon may continue rolling this out)
- Early Reviewer program
- Amazon Stores
- Headline Search Ads in Seller Central
If you aren’t brand registered yet, it’s time to talk with your lawyer about registering a trademark. We’ve got a good feeling that there is a lot more to come for brand registered sellers.