Amazon Headline Search Ads Now Available in Seller Central

August 3, 2017
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*Update: Amazon is currently rolling out this new feature. Headline Search Ads are currently only available for registered brands through Brand Registry 1.0 and Brand Registry 2.0.

Headline Search Ads are no longer just for Amazon vendors… they are available in Seller Central.

What are Headline Search Ads?

Amazon defines Headline Search Ads as “keyword targeted cost-per-click ads that allow brands to promote 3 or more products and drive traffic to a brand page or to a custom landing page on Amazon.”

Here’s how they work:

  1. A seller chooses which 3+ products will be advertised.
  2. Editable creative elements include ad headlines and size/order of product images.
  3. Ads are set up with a bid, budget, and target keywords.
  4. Banner ads are displayed above Amazon search results.
  5. A seller can specify where an ad click will lead to: a custom landing page on Amazon or the brand’s Amazon Store.
Amazon Headline Ads

Headline Search Ads in Seller Central

Before, Headline Search Ads were only available to all approved Amazon Marketing Services (commonly referred to as “AMS”) accounts. To be eligible for AMS, a seller had to be included in one of the following groups:

Now, Search Ads are available to brands through Seller Central.

To locate Headline Search Ads, go to Seller Central > Advertising > Campaign Manager.

Amazon describes Headline Search Ads in Seller Central as “A new way to advertise your brands. Build a custom ad that has a prominent placement in search results and drives shoppers to pages that showcase a collection of your products.”

What are Headline Search Ads

What Does This Mean for Sellers?

Amazon Headline Search Ads just got a lot more accessible and a lot less profitable.

Vendors were part of an exclusive group with access to a profitable competitive advantage. Now, that advantage is available to the masses.

With more competition and more sellers bidding on keywords, bids will go up and profitability will go down. But, that’s not to say you shouldn’t try them out and see if running Headline Search Ads is beneficial for your brand.

While Headline Search Ads aren’t a necessary component to a successful Amazon strategy, they will be a great opportunity to drive increased visibility and traffic, similar to Sponsored Products ads.

Amazon has been steadily making changes and adding features recently, especially for their Brand Registry program, including Amazon Stores for registered brands and the Amazon Early Reviewer Program. It’s important for sellers to stay in the know in order to take advantage of every opportunity to dominate their markets.

Viral Launch is committed to keeping you informed and knowledgeable about what each change means for you.

Claim Your Competitive Advantage

Amazon is releasing new tools and better methods each month, but there is one thing that will always set a brand up for success on Amazon… an outstanding listing.

Optimize Your Listing

You can drive all the traffic you want to your products, but if your listings are not set up to convert, you’re wasting time and money. To ensure your listing is fully optimized for sales, you need outstanding product photos and a reader-friendly, keyword-rich listing.

And, with each sale, a keyword-optimized listing helps to drive keyword ranking in organic search. Every sale you make without an optimized listing is a missed opportunity to boost rank.

So, be sure to claim your competitive advantage with an outstanding listing. Viral Launch offers a range of cutting-edge Amazon seller solutions you can leverage to improve your business.

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