Powerful Amazon Keyword Tracker; Notifications, Hourly Tracking, and More

December 18, 2018
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If you have had any degree of success on Amazon, you know how important keywords are. And if you are one of the elite sellers who have made millions on Amazon, then you know keywords are everything! “Everything” is a pretty bold statement, and of course having a great product, an appealing price point, and a significant review quantity are all crucial to success, but all of those would amount to nothing if prospective customers were unable to find your product in the search results. Your Amazon keyword rank tracker is imperative to success in your business.

In this guide, we’ll talk about how you can use Viral Launch’s powerful new keyword tracker and manager to simplify Amazon keyword tracking and stay on top of all of your most crucial metrics in real-time to maximize your Amazon sales. There are six key ways in which our tracker is unlike any others, so that your Amazon sales can be unlike any others.

  1. Sponsored Ads Placement Tracking
  2. Rank Notifications
  3. Hour-by-Hour Amazon Keyword Tracking
  4. Digital Shelf Mapping
  5. Ranking to Sales Correlation
  6. Instant Historical Keyword Tracking
Amazon keyword tracking

The Viral Launch Amazon Keyword Tracker is a feature within our Keyword Manager tool only available through our Pro package.

Sponsored Ads Placement Tracking

One of the biggest mistakes sellers make when running Amazon Sponsored Product ads is not paying attention to how rank position impacts every single thing. Your ad’s position has an impact on your click through rate, conversion rate, impressions, clicks, cost per click, and ultimately your ACoS (profitability).

To put it simply, ad position significantly impacts the amount of sales you can drive with Sponsored Products and how profitable those ads are.

Uhh….so then why is no one paying attention to ad position?! Let’s just say, we think there is a lot of opportunity for increased sophistication of other Amazon tools. And that is why we are so excited to bring this tracking to you inside Keyword Manager!

For each keyword you decide to track, we will automatically begin showing you where your sponsored ad is positioned, both currently and historically. If your product is not showing at all within sponsored ads, we will show a “-”.

Access to this level of insight for thousands of keywords is extremely powerful for your business! Data is critical to being able to make smart decisions, and we want to make sure you have more access to data around your keywords than you can get anywhere else in the world.

Rank Notifications

Keeping track of where your product is showing up in the search results at just a glance is extremely helpful. But, rankings can change at the drop of a hat. Occasionally, a keyword will fluctuate a position or two throughout the day, but sometimes it can fall dramatically and have a major impact on your revenue. The same is true for your product’s placement within Sponsored Ads, where exact position can be even more volatile.

The whole point of an Amazon keyword tracker is to automate the process of keeping track of where your product is showing in the organic and paid results. But in order to make sure you are going to hit your sales goals for the day, you find yourself logging in multiple times throughout the day to make sure you haven’t dropped in the rankings.

To give you peace of mind and to automate checking your ranking results constantly throughout the day, we’ve built a notification system that automatically tells you when your product’s rank changes in the organic and/or sponsored ad results. Now you can rest assured knowing that your product is maintaining its rank position without even logging in! If there is a change in keyword ranking or ad position, you will receive an email from us letting you know it’s time to take action.

We’ve built our notification system to be extremely flexible, allowing you to fine tune your notification triggers based on:

  • Organic and/or Sponsored Ads
  • Drop or increase in position
  • Number of spots moved (example: drop in at least 3 positions

Hour-by-Hour Amazon Keyword Tracking

Imagine one of your best products is ranking in the top 5 for some of your biggest keywords, and the sales are just pouring in. You check your ranking first thing in the morning to make sure none of your competitors have propelled past you overnight. But then, just hours later, a couple competitors jump ahead of you in the search results, pushing your product out of the top 5. Ouch.

This is critical, and the sooner you know, the sooner you can boost your ranking and take those sales back. If you are only checking your rankings once per day, it’ll be almost an entire day before you notice that you’ve dropped in ranking, meaning a day of lower sales. Keyword Manager allows you to track your most important keywords hourly. Paired with notifications, this allows you to rest easy throughout the day knowing that if there are any significant changes in your keyword ranking for your most important keywords, you’ll know right away.

Being able to track sponsored ad rank position hourly is a game changer when you are focused on maximizing PPC sales. Imagine getting notified within just an hour of a competitor out-bidding you for top ad positions for some of your largest revenue-driving keywords. The beauty of being alerted in near-real-time is that you can take immediate action to control placement and profitability.

Hourly tracking paired with notifications will be your biggest sigh of relief, giving you the confidence that your revenue streams are being monitored constantly. I hope it also gives you plenty of time back in your day so you don’t feel the need to check your keyword ranking constantly. Focus on the big picture for your Amazon business, while we do the tedious monitoring.

*Important to note, that hourly tracking only checks the rankings for the first two pages for each keyword as anything important that happens that quickly, will happen in the first two pages!

Digital Shelf Mapping

In retail, brands pay for specific shelf placement. The better the shelf position, the more shopper’s eyeballs on your product, and the more likely customers are to purchase. But the better the positioning, the more that shelf placement is going to cost. The same is true for sponsored ads.

Where your sponsored ad shows in the search results is critical. For some searches, having the third ad position means your product is showing above the fold on desktop, meaning your product has a better chance of driving more traffic.

For other searches, having the third ad position means you are buried in the middle of the search results, and that results in less eyeballs and lower sales potential.

Knowing exactly where and how your product is being presented to customers is critical to building out your best PPC campaigns. With our Digital Shelf Mapping icons inside Keyword Manager, you can see exactly which of Amazon’s digital shelves your product is on and in which position for each keyword.

In this example, the sponsored ad is currently being shown on Amazon’s first page (denoted by the top icon with the number one), the second row of sponsored results (denoted by the blue middle horizontal bar), and in the first ad position on that row (denoted by the first of three boxes being filled in as blue)

Make sure when managing your sponsored ad campaigns, you know exactly which shelf you are paying for, because as in retail, which digital shelf your product is being displayed on has an impact on your product’s performance!

Ranking to Sales Correlation

At the end of the day, we care about keyword ranking because ranking well in the search results for a specific keyword, should help to improve our bottom line. We wanted to make it incredibly easy for you to identify correlations in sales improvements with increases in keyword ranking (and hopefully never in your case, declines in ranking and drops and sales).

As a quick option to monitoring changes in sales within the context of changes in keyword rankings, we’ve given you the ability to overlay your product’s historical and real-time BSR with your keyword ranking. This will allow you to see just how big of an impact a change in rank has had with a change in your product’s sales!

Organic keyword ranking for this term has trended down, as has the product’s Best Seller Rank (sales)

Instant Historical Keyword Tracking

Automating how you monitor keyword ranking for thousands of keywords across your catalog is an absolute must in today’s hyper-competitive Amazon landscape. Not tracking your organic keyword rank is like not cashing in a lucrative check. If you are still manually doing your Amazon keyword tracking  in an incognito window of Google Chrome, it’s time to reassess your priorities and your ability to scale!

If you already use a keyword tool, it can be hard to switch to a new one with more data and features. One of the worst parts of moving to a new keyword tool is that you usually have to start over completely. You have no historical data, so it takes a while to build up its value. And if there is any significant rank change, you have no idea by how much they have increased or decreased. We understand this pain completely, and we wanted to make sure it was not an issue with our Keyword Manager.

Here at Viral Launch, we view ourselves as a data company. We track everything! So, there is an extremely high chance that we’ve already been tracking your product for your main keywords, and we give you access to that data right off the bat. That means when you begin tracking your products, we’ll show you all the historical rank trend data we have for that product even though you’ve never used our keyword manager before! It’s extremely refreshing to log in and see all that historical data immediately upon entering a keyword into our Amazon keyword tracker.


At Viral Launch, it is our mission to provide you with the software you need to become increasingly successful on Amazon. With access to the world’s most powerful Amazon keyword tracker and digital shelf mapping tool, you’re more prepared than ever to save time and increase revenue. It’s important to mention that, as with any tool, it is only as great you use it. It’s up to you to take action, and there’s no better time like the present! I want to encourage you to go and take action now!

And additionally, while all of the data and automation provided in our Keyword Manager is incredible, knowing how to use and appropriate that data is crucial! Feel free to chat with a member of our customer success team or check out our other available resources to learn more.

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