The Future of Amazon Selling: AI & eCommerce

June 8, 2023
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AI Tools (Artificial intelligence) are rapidly changing the way Entrepreneurs are running their businesses in order to stay competitive, and this is certainly true for eCommerce and Amazon sellers.

If you’re an Amazon seller and your top competitors are leveraging AI tools to optimize their product listings, improve their Amazon SEO keywords or create the highest converting PPC ads, you’re going to be eating their dust as you get left behind!

In this post, I’m going to share with you why leveraging AI in your Amazon business is imperative to your future success, how AI tools can increase profits and business efficiency, and which tasks you should use AI tools for.

What Are AI Tools?

AI tools, (Artificial Intelligence tools), are digital tools designed to automate and optimize various business processes.

These tools use machine learning algorithms to analyze, interpret, and make decisions base on data input.

Entrepreneurs and business owners are using them to enhance the quality and speed of decision-making, improve the quality and efficiency of business operations, and keep up with the latest trends to stay ahead of the competition.

AI tools are a game changer for online businesses that want more output in less time!

How Amazon Sellers Can Use AI Tools

It’s no secret that selling on Amazon can be a highly competitive market. With thousands of sellers gunning for the top spot, it takes more than just great products to stand out from the crowd.

In order to succeed on Amazon, sellers need to have mastered the following aspects of their business:

  • Source a high demand – low competition product
  • Create a successful launch campaign (run PPC ads on the Amazon platform)
  • Create a highly optimized Amazon product listing
  • Receive positive reviews from customers

Sourcing Products

Sourcing products is still best done by a human because communicating with suppliers and building real relationships are important to running a successful eCommerce store. 

Having the ability to negotiate, and get a “feel” for your product (literally, touching and testing a product sample) can’t be done using AI.

However, finding products to sell through product research strategies is something that can be done using AI…

AI Product Research

Amazon sellers are able to use AI tools to discover lucrative products to sell on the platform. 

AI Product Research tools can provide sellers with comprehensive data on product performance, including historical sales data, estimated revenue, and profitability metrics. This information allows sellers to make informed decisions, minimizing the risks associated with product selection.

With the help of AI, sellers can streamline their product research process and maximize their chances of finding successful and in-demand products to sell on Amazon.

AI Tools For Amazon PPC Campaigns

The biggest issue sellers face when running PPC ads on the Amazon platform is knowing which keywords to target.

By leveraging the power of AI SEO tools, sellers can gain valuable insights into customer behavior, keyword research, and even competitor analysis. 

This information can be used to create more targeted, and higher-converting ad campaigns meaning higher profits for sellers.

AI Tools To Create An Amazon Product Listing

Crafting a highly optimized product listing on Amazon will ensure the A10 Algorithm boosts your product listing up the rankings on page 1.

However, creating the content on your product listing can be tough! Especially if you hate writing content or looking for the best keywords to add to your listings. Luckily, there is an Amazon listing description generator tool available from Viral Launch.

Viral Launch has created an AI Tool that will help sellers to craft the perfect Amazon Product Listing. 

This AI Amazon listing software uses keyword volume and focuses on the most relevant keywords to add to the product listing to improve a listing’s organic ranking. The tool even knows to stay away from keywords that Amazon flags.

AI Customer Service Tools

Amazon sellers can effectively utilize AI Customer Service Tools to enhance their customer support.

With AI Customer Service Tools, sellers can utilize chatbots or virtual assistants to provide immediate responses to customer inquiries, resolve common issues, and offer personalized assistance.

These tools can handle a wide range of customer queries, freeing up seller resources and improving response times. 

AI Customer Service Tools can analyze customer interactions, sentiment, and feedback, allowing sellers to gain valuable insights into customer preferences and pain points. By leveraging these tools, Amazon sellers can enhance customer satisfaction, increase efficiency, and build positive relationships with their customers.

Pros and Cons of AI Tools for Amazon Listings

Like any form of technology, AI tools come with their own set of pros and cons. Here are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of using AI tools for Amazon sellers:


  1. Automation: AI tools automate various time-consuming tasks, such as inventory management, repricing, and order processing. This saves sellers significant time and allows them to focus on more strategic aspects of their business.
  2. Data-driven insights: AI tools can analyze vast amounts of data and provide valuable insights regarding customer behavior, market trends, and competitor strategies. Sellers can leverage this information to make informed decisions and optimize their product offerings.
  3. Enhanced customer experience: AI-powered chatbots and customer service tools can handle customer inquiries and provide support 24/7. This improves response times, increases customer satisfaction, and ultimately leads to higher sales and better reviews.
  4. Pricing optimization: AI algorithms can analyze market conditions, competitor prices, and demand patterns to suggest optimal pricing strategies. This helps sellers maximize profitability while remaining competitive in the market.
  5. Improved product recommendations: AI tools can analyze customer preferences and purchase history to generate personalized product recommendations. This enhances the shopping experience, increases cross-selling opportunities, and boosts customer loyalty.


  1. Initial setup and learning curve: Implementing AI tools requires time and resources to set up, integrate with existing systems, and train employees. There may be a learning curve associated with using the tools effectively, requiring additional training and adjustment periods.
  2. Cost: AI tools often come with a price tag, and the more advanced the tool, the higher the cost. For small-scale sellers with limited budgets, the expense of implementing AI tools may outweigh the potential benefits.
  3. Dependency on technology: Relying heavily on AI tools means that sellers become more dependent on the technology. Any technical issues, system failures, or inaccuracies in AI algorithms can disrupt operations and affect business performance.
  4. Lack of human touch: While AI tools provide efficiency and automation, they may lack the human touch in certain areas, such as customer support. Some customers may prefer interacting with a real person, especially for complex inquiries or complaints.
  5. Potential algorithm bias: AI algorithms are only as good as the data they are trained on. If the training data contains biases, such as gender or racial biases, the AI tools may inadvertently perpetuate those biases in decision-making processes.


AI tools are almost certainly the future when it comes to streamlining business operations and tasks.

However, it is essential for Amazon sellers to carefully evaluate the pros and cons, consider their specific business needs and resources, and choose AI tools that align with their goals and strategies. 

Regular monitoring, fine-tuning, and combining AI tools with human expertise can help reduce potential drawbacks and maximize the benefits.

Try Viral Launch, the all-in-one solution for new and established Amazon sellers.

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