Follow The Data: Creating A Distinctive Brand Identity With Emma Schermer Tamir

February 11, 2021
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On this episode of Follow The Data, host Cam Yoder chats with Emma Schermer Tamir to discuss how to create a distinctive Amazon brand identity.

In 2021, branding is key for building and expanding your Amazon business.

Emma Schermer Tamir, owner and marketing expert of Marketing by Emma, is sharing her expertise on product branding and listing optimization in this episode of Follow The Data.

Branding is VITAL to the current and future success of any Amazon product. Emma’s here to give advice on principles to elevate the experience customers get from a product’s branding, and how a listing plays a direct role in that experience.

It’s crucial to remember that your brand is more than your logo and packaging. Everything you do creates your brand identity, whether it’s

Tune into this week’s episode to learn tips and tricks for maximizing your brand and optimizing your copywriting.


What are the major areas of focus for copywriting and Amazon listing changes in 2021? (3:19)

As Amazon continues to evolve, sellers should be aware of the changing landscape. Periodically, it’s worth re-examining your listing’s copy to ensure you’re following Amazon style guidelines, utilizing proper tactics, and avoiding breaking any of the guidelines.

What does a good, well-established brand identity look like? (13:35)

We’re certainly aware that much of the discussion regarding branding can seem vague or generalized, making it difficult to learn the specifics. Before we dive deeper into the topic of branding, Emma provides her expert opinions on what goes into developing a strong brand identity.

Why is branding so important on Amazon? What’s the outcome of a strong brand? (21:51)

Within the Amazon marketplace, space for communicating your branding is limited and also given to all of your competitors. So what makes it so important? In short, the same reason it’s demanding is the same reason why it’s invaluable. Emma breaks down the benefits of owning a strong, unique brand identity.

Before saying goodbye, Emma provides a few final thoughts and helpful advice to remember while building your Amazon brand identity. (36:19)

Emma leaves us with a few gems of advice that should always be on your mind when considering your branding. As she mentions, your brand identity is happening whether you’re consciously crafting your brand or not. Creating your brand identity with a thoughtful, intentional strategy can pay off to help you stand out from the crowd.

A special thanks to Emma for sharing her expertise on building your Amazon brand identity. But her knowledge isn’t the only value you can gain from her.

In addition to all of the incredible information Emma gives in this episode, she provides listeners of Follow The Data with a FREE listing analysis. Head here to get your listing analyzed and checked over from one of the top minds in the Amazon game:

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