Amazon International: Sell on Amazon Japan

March 24, 2021
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In this episode of Follow The Data, John Cant of Rising Sun Commerce joins Cameron for a deep dive on tips and strategy to jump into Amazon Japan.

Amazon Japan is quickly becoming a hotspot for Amazon sellers to diversify online sales.

As international e-commerce sales continue to spike, more sellers are recognizing the massive potential of expanding their online business in additional marketplaces. The Amazon seller community continues to mature, and for many sellers expanding internationally may be a more profitable expenditure than adding another product or increasing marketing spend.

Behind only the United States, Germany, and United Kingdom, Amazon Japan serves as one of the companies largest marketplaces, with net sales almost doubling since 2016.

When it comes to selling on Amazon Japan, nobody knows it better than Rising Sun Commerce. Host Cam Yoder chats with John Cant of Rising Sun Commerce to discuss the pros and cons of expanding your business to Japan, best practices for finding success selling in Japan, and what NOT to do

This episode covers a handful of essential tips to consider when jumping into Amazon Japan (as well as any international marketplace). John, who has years of experience selling in Amazon Japan, shares his biggest tips and strategies for catering products, listings, and experiences for the Japan marketplace.

If you’ve ever considered going international with your Amazon business, or would consider Japan as a possible extension, this is a great starting point.

[You may also be interested in The Sellers Edge: Growth & Expansion Through Amazon International]


Find out John’s story and learn Rising Sun Commerce’s history (0:00)

To kick things off, John explains his e-commerce experience and how Rising Sun Commerce began. With the U.S. Amazon marketplace doing much of the company’s heavy lifting, why pursue Amazon Japan?

One common mistake from sellers is to assume customers act similarly across marketplaces. How does buyer behavior in Japan vary from other countries? (3:22)

Customer behavior changes depending on where you’re selling, so selling isn’t a One Size Fits All approach for expanding internationally. John breaks down what distinctions exist with Japanese customers in comparison to American or European customers.

Where does Japan rank in priority for seller consideration? (5:09)

When considering expanding your brand internationally, selecting the ideal country to start selling in is often the first question. With Amazon continuing to expand internationally, John explains why Amazon Japan is such a promising opportunity.

A top-selling product in the United States doesn’t guarantee similar success abroad. Continuing the conversation on buyer behavior, what categories perform better or worse in Japan? (7:02)

While finding out if Amazon Japan is right for you, market and product research is a necessity. Get an expert’s perspective on what products tend to do well and which ones fizzle out in Japan.

What are the first steps a seller can take to start selling in Japan? (15:14)

You’ve done the research. Selling in Amazon seems like an opportunity worth pursuing. You’re ready to take the next steps. But where do you even start? John lays out the step-by-step gameplan for expanding to Amazon Japan.

These important questions and answers are only a fraction of the valuable insights from a proven expert. Be sure to tune into the entire show to find out if Amazon Japan is right for you!

As always, we greatly appreciate John’s time and expertise. If you have any questions for John, reach out to him directly at: [email protected] Or visit his site to jump straight into Amazon Japan strategy.

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