Forget Reverse ASIN Lookups, and close out your keyword spreadsheets. Imagine inputting your ASIN into an algorithm that, in return, gives you a full list of your product’s most important keywords… all with no human intervention.
Introducing ARCS™ – ASIN Relevance and Conformity Semantics – the world’s first technology that can programmatically determine an Amazon product’s main keywords.

Why It’s Important to Know Your Product’s Main Keywords
You may think you already know all of your product’s most important keywords. But how can you be so sure? What if you’re just missing a few keywords with significant search volume… who cares, right? Actually, neglecting even one relevant keyword in your copy can result in hundreds of lost sales.
When you include a word in your product listing, Amazon indexes, or catalogs, that word for your product. When a keyword is indexed, Amazon is recognizing that term as relevant. Where and how you use that keyword determine how relevant that word is for your product.
As shoppers purchase through your listing, Amazon starts to prioritize the keywords in your copy. Their algorithms determine each keyword’s relevancy, which has a direct impact on where your product ranks in the search results. With thousands (or even tens of thousands) of Amazon shoppers searching for multiple different related keywords each day, it is your job to get your product in front of as many of those searches as possible.
In order to rank and be found by a shopper, that search term must be relevant to your product. In order for that keyword to be relevant, it must be indexed. And in order for the keyword to be indexed, it must be included in your copy.
To ensure that your product is found by as many shoppers as possible, and to even make sales while you’re sleeping, it is imperative that you start by knowing every single important keyword for your product. Important keywords are those that will lead customers to purchasing your products, which means you need to make sure they’re all highly-relevant.
How to Determine Your Product’s Main Keywords
Identifying the main keywords for your product is not a new concept. In fact, there are entire companies built upon helping sellers to do just that. Let’s say your brand sells a grill brush on Amazon. Today, there are two ways to identify your brush’s most important keywords: manually and programmatically.
Manually Finding Keywords
This first process involves researching your product’s main keywords (that you’re identifying yourself) along with your top competitors’ listings to compile a full list. Using this method, you will often start by using logic to determine “grill brush” as one of your main keywords. You may then run “grill brush” through a keyword research tool to return relevant words that relate to your seed term. Of course, some keyword tools are going to return better results than others based on their algorithm formulations (our favorite is Keyword Research). But no matter how good your keyword research tool is, it can only give results based upon your input. So although your product is in fact relevant to your “grill brush” search, the tool is not understanding your specific product.
Next, you may choose to run a Reverse ASIN Lookup, or even multiple of them, to see what words your top competitors are using in their listings. This helps you understand how other grill brush sellers are prioritizing words, but a Reverse ASIN Lookup’s most obvious issue is that it misses out on keywords that your competitors are not using. If they’re all missing a highly relevant term with decent search volume, you will be missing it too.
While you can gather a great list of keywords through a manual discovery process, you’re not guaranteed to capture them all. Not to mention, the process can be really time and labor intensive. To save time for more important entrepreneur duties, many Amazon sellers are turning to Automated Keyword Discovery.
Programmatically Finding Keywords
Getting started with this method, you don’t even need to identify what your product is. Whether you call it a grill brush, a wire scraper, or a thingamajig, the automatic keyword discovery process is going to identify keywords based on your ASIN itself.
To get your complete list of the product’s most important keywords, simply identify the ASIN you want to run, and let the algorithms go to work for you. The result is a truly comprehensive list of that specific product’s most relevant keywords, all compiled with no human intervention. On the market, there is only one technology powerful enough to successfully complete this automated keyword discovery process – ASIN Relevance and Conformity Semantics, or ARCS™.
What is ARCS™ and How Does it Work?
ARCS™ stands for ASIN Relevance and Conformity Semantics. Formulated through months of hard work by the data science team at Viral Launch, this proprietary technology evaluates up to 10,000 keywords and 500,000 products to determine an ASIN’s most important keywords – with no human intervention.
Far superior to any form of a Reverse ASIN Lookup, ARCS™ takes an ASIN and understands the entire market to programmatically return a near-perfect list. Shedding hours of manual work and any human error that comes along with it, ARCS™ gives you a full list at the click of a button.
How ARCS™ Works to Find a Product’s Main Keywords
We would love to walk you all the way through the nitty-gritty just so you could see how much processing occurs as ARCS™ works its magic. But in order to preserve the algorithm’s secret sauce, we’ll explain the process at a bird’s eye view.

Starting with an individual product, ARCS™ determines candidates for main keywords using a variety of reliable Amazon sources. Using a proprietary discovery process, the algorithm then works to identify up to 10,000 potentially-relevant keywords (we experimented with up to 1 million keywords but didn’t see an improvement past 10,000 in terms of relevancy plus search volume). Through a complex prioritization process involving a variety of critical scores, ARCS™ determines the product’s five main keywords.
ARCS™ can then confidently work with the product’s newly-identified main keywords. The algorithm runs the entire process again, now with a more reliable entry point, to ensure the highest level of accuracy for the list as a whole. To account for additional factors such as competition, ARCS™ runs its secret sauce to then deliver a precise list of up to 1,000 of your product’s most important keywords.
ARCS™ in Action – Try it for Yourself
Don’t take our word for it. Run your product through ARCS™ and discover just how powerful this set of algorithms can be for your business. At the click of a button, you can literally have every important keyword at your fingertips. Changes in the market? Don’t dig through the archives for those messy keyword spreadsheets. Simply re-run the algorithm for an updated list.
Currently, the only tool on the market powered by ARCS™ is Listing Analyzer by Viral Launch. To run your product through the ARCS™ technology, simply import your catalog and click the Analyze Listing button. After the algorithm processes hundreds of thousands of data points, you’ll receive a tailored list of keywords to include in your copy and your ads… all without lifting a finger.