Your Amazon Competitive Advantage: Keyword Research

March 26, 2018
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Looking for an Amazon competitive advantage for your FBA business? You’ve got to focus on the unlikely and under appreciated aspect of your products: their keywords. 

Keywords are crucial to a successful Amazon product listing, Amazon search optimization, and ultimately the number of sales you’re able to make. They help shoppers locate your product in a sea of competition, power your sponsored ads, and significantly sway your product’s maximum sales potential.

You have to make sure you’re not missing out on essential keywords that shoppers are using to search for your product. But how can you do that while figuring out which keywords to prioritize for Amazon search optimization? Which keywords should you place in your title and which should you place in your backend search terms? Search volume is an important metric, but will your listing be able to compete in a big market? And how can you use keywords as your Amazon competitive advantage?

Keyword Research is Your Amazon Competitive Advantage

By using Keyword Research, the new keyword research tool from Viral Launch, you can find those crucial keywords that no other tool can help you find. Easily make smarter strategic decisions to improve your approach in regard to Amazon search optimization. You’ll find an exhaustive list of customer search terms related to your seed keyword with Reverse Market Lookup, a master reverse-ASIN query that considers top competitors across all of your Amazon markets. You’ll get Broad and Exact Match search volume for each keyword based on search volume from Amazon. And that’s just for starters.

Product Discovery Use Cases Ebook

Download our new ebook The Competitive Advantage of Keyword Research to get the inside scoop on how this game-changing software works as your Amazon competitive advantage. Keyword Research shows you the most accurate, up-to-date keyword data to optimize your listing and maximize your revenue.

Try Viral Launch, the all-in-one solution for new and established Amazon sellers.

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