At Viral Launch, it’s our mission to help you build the most successful Amazon businesses. We love having the opportunity to be a part of your entrepreneurial journey, and we don’t take this honor lightly. Part of our mission is providing you with the most sophisticated, effective, and results-driven Amazon seller tools in the world.
Based upon your feedback, over the past few months, we’ve pushed nearly 100 code changes, consisting of new search filters, performance improvements, and new features. 😱 And there is a lot more in the pipeline!
Here is a quick overview of some of the updates:
- Product Discovery now easier for new sellers with Preset Searches
- Mobile Friendly Product Discovery and Market Intelligence
- 10,000,000+ New Products, Keywords, and Brands
- New Filters
- Bug Fixes
Preset Searches in Product Discovery
Product Discovery is a comprehensive and sophisticated tool that, for sellers with limited experience, can be quite intimidating. We understand. And that’s why we’ve made Product Discovery even more accessible with Preset Searches.
Presets allow you to run with filter combinations that we’ve created for you. For example, if you are looking for High Margin Market opportunities, but you don’t know which filters to use to find them, no worries! With Preset Searches, you select what type of results you are looking for, and we fill in the filters for you.
Example Preset: Quick Win Keywords

- Average Monthly Revenue: $5,000-25,000
- Average Profit Margin: Min 50%
- Sales to Reviews: Min 5
The filters will automatically populate based on the preset you select. This gives you a great jumping off point and a much better understanding of how to start using various filters to find the exact opportunities you are looking for.
Warning: It is important to note that presets are simply a starting place. They are there to help you better understand how to use the filters. If you only use the presets without making adjustments, you will likely find a lot of the same products other sellers have found. These may end up being bad product opportunities because of too much competition or saturation.
Coming soon, we will also introduce Custom Presets so you create and save your own preset searches! For example, let’s say you’ve stumbled across a killer filter combination that churns out amazing five star product opportunities. You can save that Preset (filter combination) so you can return regularly to see which new products, keywords, and brands we’ve added to the mix.
Let us know what you think of our new Preset Search feature in the comments below! We love honest feedback. 🙂
Now Mobile Friendly
Product Discovery and Market Intelligence are now available on-the-go with our new mobile friendly versions. Our best ideas don’t always strike us when we’re at our desks. And as an entrepreneur, you hate wasting time not being productive. Now you can knock out your product research or check sales estimates on new product ideas from anywhere. We’ve spent hours putting together a mobile design that is intuitive and still looks great.
Pro Tip: While we do not have a dedicated app for your smartphone, you can save Market Intelligence or Product Discovery as bookmarks on your home screen as if they were apps. This allows you to easily access the tools and begin searching instantly, providing the same look and feel as a native application.
Click the links below for instructions on saving your favorite research tool to your home screen.
iPhone instructions
Android instructions

10,000,000+ New Products, Keywords, and Brands
Since launching Product Discovery just over two months ago, our data aggregation systems have been working tirelessly to keep our data fresh and to add new opportunities to our database. This means there are new products, keywords, and brands for you to uncover daily!
Ever think you’ve found all the “good keywords” or all the “best brands” in Product Discovery? Think again. Check back in a couple of days for plenty of new golden opportunities just waiting to be discovered.
New Filters Added Regularly
Along with our commitment to add new opportunities, we want to add new ways of discovering those opportunities. In the last month we’ve added two new filters, and there are more on the way. Those new filters are Shipping Tier (applicable to all four search types: Product, Keyword, Brand, and Category) and Brand Name (obviously only applicable to Brand search).
What additional filters would you like to see?
Nearly 100 Code Pushes in the Last Few Months
As a company, we are dedicated to having the most sophisticated and results-driven tools on the market. We want to make sure you have the tools you need to build your private label empire efficiently, scalably, and fast! We are relentless in our mission, which means we not only launch superior tools, but we are committed to continually improving performance, resolving bugs, and adding new features. In a market that changes so rapidly, constant improvement allows us to stay on top of the software market, so you can stay on top of your Amazon market! We average over two code pushes or updates each business day!
What would you like to see us update next? Let us know in the comments below.
Additional Updates
- Market Intelligence: Major webapp performance improvement
- Market Intelligence: Combined Competitive and Standard view with optional image on/off switch
- Product Discovery: Added Clear All Filters button for quicker filter usage
- Product Discovery: Added Idea Value to pinned results so you can estimate the total value of products found with Product Discovery
Create a free Viral Launch account to try out Product Discovery and Market Intelligence for free. Once inside the Launchpad, you can subscribe!