Listing Dojo: Amazon Product Listing Optimization

September 28, 2016
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Thank you all for keeping up with the latest launch from the team at Viral Launch. Over the past couple days we’ve promised you something new and big that we’ve been working on. Something that will dramatically change the way you sell (hint: think product listing optimization).

Well today is the day…..I would love to introduce to you, Listing Dojo. An Amazon product listing optimization tool that allows you to train your listing to optimize for maximum profitability. Listing Dojo allows you to test nearly every element (title, price point, images, description) of your Amazon listing in order to determine which options make your listing the most money.

It’s sort of like a data driven crystal ball that shows you exactly what customers shopping for your product want. What price point will get the most sales? Which main image will drive the most clicks into my detail page and then drive conversions? What can I put in my title to lure in the most potential customers? Listing Dojo helps you answer each one of these questions definitively with hard cold data!

Like I mentioned yesterday in my blog post, the results have been incredible! Checkout this graph from a real user who tested four different price points. She spent no money and is seeing a net increase of over $6,000/month. This could be you!

Graph from Viral Launch's Listing Dojo showing Amazon split test results testing different price points
Data from Viral Launch's Listing Dojo showing which price point of an Amazon is most profitable

Why Optimizing For Profitability Is So Important

Today when creating a listing, we create a listing that we intuitively feel is “good”, but we don’t KNOW how “good” it really is and what kind of impact is it’s actually on sales! Even if you’ve done an extensive amount of research, each product is perceived differently by potential customers. Without data to tell you exactly which variation is best, you can be leaving HUGE amounts of money on the table.

For example, you may set your widget’s price point to $19.99, but little do you know, changing your price to $19.95 could increase your sales by 10%. Or, actually increasing your price by $1.50 to $21.49 could increase sales by 50%! We’ve seen these kinds of results and it has surprised us.

Listing Dojo allows you to test any possible option for price, title, images and description and reports beautifully displayed stats back to you letting you know EXACTLY how each tested value affected your gross sales, net sales (accounting for returns, FBA fees, and the Amazon marketplace fee) page views, sessions, units ordered and total order items.

Listing Dojo will show precisely how to optimize your listing for maximum profitability!

Is This Only For New Sellers?

Absolutely not. This tool can be valuable for all sellers, new and seasoned.

For established products that are ranking and selling well: Your listing is already getting many impressions each day by potential customers in the search results. This allows you the perfect opportunity to test different price points, main images, and titles that may help you drive more of that traffic away from competitors and on to your listing. Just because you have used the same price, image, and title for the last few months and it has worked well for you, doesn’t mean that you aren’t still missing out on a ton of money. The worst part is how you will never know unless you have concrete data derived from actually testing what does and doesn’t work for your listing. You are already making money, so why not see just how much more money your listing can make without spending a dime.

For sellers just getting started: In order for Listing Dojo to work its magic and provide valuable data, your listing needs to have some amount of traffic in both search results and to your actual listing. It’s hard to know which cake people like best if nobody shows up to the party.  So if you’re not already ranking well for relevant keywords and you haven’t utilized sponsored ads, you’ll want to take care of that aspect first, and we would love to help you get there quickly.

If you have some decent traffic and organic sales, but are still trying to understand the market and how your product fits, Listing Dojo is perfect for helping you find the most profitable product detail page based on pure data.

How Does Listing Dojo Work to help product listing optimization?

The system is designed to be very intuitive and user friendly (we’re always open to feedback to help us create a better experience for you 🙂 ).

 Step 1 – Granting Listing Dojo Access to Your Account: In order for us to pull your product catalog, make updates to your listing, and pull sales reports, we need access through Amazon’s Marketplace Web Service (MWS). In order to pull click, session, units ordered, and total order items data, we need access to the business reports section of Seller Central.