How to Sell Your Amazon Business and Boost Your Valuation

February 17, 2021
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“If you’re going to sell a business, this is the best business in the world to sell.”

The concept of buying and selling Amazon businesses is becoming a hot topic in the FBA community. We chat with an expert on the topic to learn more.

Ryan Gnesin, a purchaser of countless Amazon businesses and brands as the Founder and CEO of Elevate Brands, comes on the show to talk through top-level advice when it comes to selling your Amazon business and increasing your total valuation to make more money!

In this episode of Follow The Data, Ryan breaks down the different methods of selling, advice in going through the entire process, how to prepare, and what to expect. It isn’t too often we have a guest come on the show to talk through Amazon business valuations, and this couldn’t come at a better time than early 2021.

Whether you’re just starting to sell on Amazon or looking to sell your Amazon business, this is a must-listen for anyone looking to maximize the worth of their online business.


What do you think the business of ‘selling Amazon brands’ will look like in 2021 and beyond?

In the last few years, the buying and selling of Amazon brands has exploded. Companies like Thrasio and Heroes are receiving massive funding from venture capital firms to expand and buy more Amazon brands from sellers. Ryan breaks down what the subject may look like for the near-future.

Many current sellers are unaware of what the process actually involves. So what does a sale actually look like?

Since the prospects of selling an Amazon business have raised considerably in recent years, many sellers have no idea where to start with what the selling process entails. We ask Ryan for a brief summary of what the process looks like to help build expectations on where to start.

At what point should a seller actually consider selling their business?

On top of how to sell an Amazon business, knowing when to sell is equally important. Especially for sellers who built their brand from scratch, it can feel impossible to master the timing. It’s an age-old dilemma. When business is booming, why sell it? When sales are down, the offers likely aren’t at their peak. Ryan offers insight on when sellers should consider selling.

What are the core foundational principles you look for when purchasing Amazon businesses?

While buyers of Amazon business appear to be buying more than ever, it’s not without foundational principles. Of course, these businesses are looking for key elements when deciding on if a business is worth buying and evaluating its worth. Ryan lets us in on what buyers are looking for when making an offer.

What can sellers do early on to set themselves up for long-term success?

Whether looking to sell or not, building a healthy foundation is crucial for sustainable success. As someone who evaluates Amazon companies, Ryan gives his perspective on mistakes to avoid and tips to get your brand off on the right foot.

A special thanks to Ryan for joining us and sharing his wealth of expertise. You can check out his company website to learn more about buying and selling Amazon brands.

As the life cycle of Amazon businesses evolves, we’ll be there speaking with the experts to help you stay informed from trusted minds.

Lastly, drop your email below to receive the latest tips, tricks, and news about selling on Amazon!

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