Are Sales Down on Amazon? See Daily Sales Trends

July 14, 2017
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Are sales down on Amazon?

Are sales down on Amazon?

You’ve likely seen, or even posted, this question in a seller Facebook group. It’s all over the place!

You’re having a slow day and are wondering whether others in your category, or others in any category, are experiencing a slow day too.

Maybe Amazon made an algorithm change. Maybe it’s just a slow selling day… or week for your category. Maybe sales are down across the board. Maybe it’s a function of your product/listing.

With a post on Facebook, you may find that some of your fellow sellers are experiencing slow days too. But, how reliable is that poll of 10-20 sellers? What if you could see how sales are actually trending today based upon real-time data? What if you could definitively know that sales are above, at, or below average?

Amazon Daily Sales Trends

Viral Launch is happy to provide data powered by Market Intelligence, our Amazon product research tool. For main categories such as Beauty & Personal Care, Health & Household, Sports & Outdoors, and many more, you can compare the sales trends today to a baseline 30-day average.

With Daily Sales Trends, you will understand your product’s performance in the context of your category and Amazon as a whole. And now, as you’re wondering, “Are sales down on Amazon?” you’ll know exactly where to look. 

Are Sales Down on Amazon Today?

See for yourself how sales are trending today compared to average. Viral Launch provides fresh stats every hour and interactive graphs to compare today’s sales to a 30-day baseline average. Here are some of the stats included (with an example from 2017’s Prime Day).

Sales Trend by Percent

You can see the percentage change in today’s sales compared the average of last month’s sales. View this metric for different top-level categories or for Amazon as a whole.

Sales trend by percentage

Sales Trend Throughout the Day

Here you’ll see today’s sales as a percentage of baseline sales throughout the day. Below, you’ll see that on Prime Day 2017, sales at 12:00pm were already at 326% of the typical daily sales for the Pet Supplies category.

Sales definitely weren’t “down” on Prime Day!

Are sales down on Amazon?

Hour by Hour Sales Analysis

This graph will break down the percentage of average daily sales by hour. Below, you’ll see that Prime Day sales at 12:00pm were 22.9% of the average baseline daily sales, whereas it’s typically 5.6% at that time.

Amazon Prime Day Sales Graph


With Viral Launch’s Daily Sales Trends, you can confidently answer the question “Are sales down on Amazon today?”

No more guess work. No more comparing to a few fellow sellers on Facebook.

Only cold. hard. facts. And here at Viral Launch, data is our best friend.

Blog post: Are Sales Down on Amazon? See Daily Sales Trends

Related: How to Use (Free) Split Testing Software to Increase Amazon Sales

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