Follow The Data: From Part-Time Amazon Seller to Running an E-Commerce Agency

March 3, 2021
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Fernando Campos talks through lessons learned developing a wildly-successful Amazon agency, and how Amazon sellers can adopt the same strategies in 2021+ to grow their own e-commerce businesses.

In our latest conversation on how to effectively grow and scale online businesses in 2021, Follow the Data host Cam Yoder chats with Fernando Campos, co-founder of MarketplaceOps, an agency that helps e-commerce brands maximize their potential.

Fernando is a true Amazon success story, and has progressed from a part-time Amazon seller to starting an agency that helps e-commerce brands accelerate their growth through proven seller practices.

Fernando’s sophisticated understanding of the processes that go into building a brand based on his years of experience is extraordinary. With a background in tech and specializations in operations, product development, and finance, he is certainly a thought leader in brand growth.

[Related: Hiring to Scale: How To Scale Your Amazon Business by Growing Your Team]

Tune in for expert advice, advanced seller strategies, and areas of emphasis to get an edge on your competition!


Get to know Fernando, who’s evolved from a part-time seller to helping run a successful eCommerce agency. (0:18)

Welcome back, Fernando! We had Fernando on the podcast way back in 2018, and much has changed in three years. Since then, he’s found even greater success in e-commerce as the industry continues to revolve. Find out Fernando’s history and why he’s an authority on elevating eCommerce businesses on a massive scale.

After building successful Amazon brands of his own, why make the leap to starting an agency? (2:13)

Likely, we’ve all heard the adage, “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” So why make the switch from running your own business to helping manage and promote others? Fernando walks us through his experience and why he decided to start an agency for online companies.

Knowing what Fernando knows now, what advice would Fernando give himself before starting his agency? (12:28)

Hindsight is 20/20, but unfortunately, we have to gain experience before gaining the insights. In e-commerce, few are willing to share details about their success and failures. Luckily, Fernando lets us in on some lessons he’s learned since he was a beginner in e-commerce.

The importance of generating traffic from outside of Amazon has fluctuated over previous years. How and who should focus on external traffic? (18:05)

There are many conflicting thoughts regarding the importance of driving external traffic in the Amazon seller community. As selling on Amazon continues to be more nuanced, sellers should be aware of this hot topic from trusted minds. Hear Fernando’s tips and advice not just on how to create external traffic, but who should be emphasizing this practice.

Based on current trends and habits, what do the next few years of e-commerce look like? (27:31)

If the last year has proven anything, it’s shown how difficult predicting the future can be. However, those with a finger on the pulse regarding the past and present of e-commerce have a distinct advantage on what lies ahead.

Of course, we are grateful for Fernando hopping on the show and sharing his expertise. We hope his tips, tricks, and strategies help you take the next step to scale your Amazon business. You can get in touch with him through email at [email protected]. Be sure to check out MarketplaceOps to learn more about their management and strategy offerings.

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