Ashley Kinkead has incredible experience hiring a virtual (AND in-person) team to scale her Amazon business and eCommerce operations.
Loyal Follow The Data listeners may have noticed growth and scaling are a steady topic in 2021. While “solopreneurs” are undoubtedly a major part of the Amazon seller community, hiring others to help run your business is necessary for large-scale growth.
Often times, the entrepreneurial mindset comes with a penchant for independence. For beginner sellers with a brand or two on Amazon, this can be a perfect opportunity to harness that competitive drive for success to execute your visions.
However, the bandwidth required for mass scaling is just too large for one person to sustainably handle. Luckily, sellers can grow their team to assist with the growth of their business. But the process of building a team for your Amazon business is one most sellers aren’t quite familiar with.
Ashley and Cameron dive deep into the world of hiring to scale in this episode of Follow The Data.
When turning your solo business into a team, who’s the first person you should bring on?
So you want to grow your team? Where do you even start? As aspects of Amazon become more sophisticated, elements that go into running an online business become more specialized. Ashley walks us through her recommendations for laying the foundation for building your team and reveals her first hire.
When you should consider first hiring for your Amazon / eCommerce business?
While we often speak in generalities that cover most of the Amazon seller community, no two businesses operate the same.
Find out how to properly scale your team as you grow.
Doing too much too soon, or doing too little too late can doom your attempt at growth. The relationship between scaling your team and scaling your company can be a complex one. Ashley provides her insight based on her years of e-commerce experience.
What can you do to help your employees AND your business grow together – how to properly support and pour into your employees?
Leading a team is about more than just growing profits, it’s also about helping your team grow. In addition to the monetary compensation, a part of the value for employees is personal and professional development. As an employer, investing in your team members can be a mutually beneficial opportunity for your business and the individual success of your team.
With much of 2021 ahead of us, what strategy tips and advice does Ashley have for the remainder of 2021?
After a hectic 2020, the opportunity for success selling on Amazon has never been greater. Along the way, pick up helpful tips and tricks to accelerate your online business in the year ahead.
Need to get started before considering growing your team? Enroll in our FREE course to guide you through becoming an Amazon seller.

A huge thanks to Ashley for taking the time to share her experiences and expertise with us on the show. Be sure to check out Ashley’s Amazon-based Facebook group (among other connections) here.
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