Amazon International Market: Best Products to Sell

February 28, 2018
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Many sellers have been awaiting the launch of Product Discovery in each Amazon international market. Well, the day has finally come! Just like Market Intelligence and our Launch platform, Product Discovery now allows you to find international products in the following countries:

  • UK
  • Germany
  • Canada
  • Mexico

We are also on track to roll out other international markets in quick succession, including:

  • Brazil
  • China
  • France
  • India
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Japan

Try Product Discovery International For Free  

Find International Products

With Amazon international markets now enabled on Product Discovery, you can easily select the market you are wanting to compete in from the top menu. Just look for the location drop-down menu on the top right of the screen, and select your preferred marketplace.

Find International Products for Germany UK Canada Mexico on Product Discovery by Viral Launch

Once you have selected your market, some of the language inside the tool will change. For example, when looking for product ideas in the German marketplace, the category names will appear as they do on Likewise, if you are searching by Keyword, the keyword results will be in German.

The Amazon German marketplace in product discovery showing the category names as they appear on

This is where being able to quickly transition to Amazon becomes really handy. If German is not one of your primary languages, you won’t be able to tell what the product is or even what category it is in. Click the “View on Amazon” button for the products whose metrics look most favorable to you, and give yourself a few tabs to explore.

Product Discovery showing Amazon Germany product data

Validate International Product Ideas

Once you’re on Amazon, use the Market Intelligence Chrome extension to get the most up-to-date star rating for the product as well as historical information about how the market is trending. You can also see sales trends, price fluctuation, and market averages for revenue, sales, price, reviews, and star rating. While Product Discovery helps you find products, Market Intelligence will help you to validate, or invalidate, that market.

Market Intelligence provides data and insights for international markets including the following: UK, Germany, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, China, France, India, Italy, Japan, and Spain.

Launch In International Markets

Viral Launch also offers international launches in the following marketplaces: UK, Germany, Canada, France, Italy, and Spain. Coming this year in 2018, we will also offer launches in Japan, India, China, and Mexico.

The opportunity to expand into international markets such as Europe at this point in time is incredible. While you can certainly expect the cash flow from these markets to be less than, getting into a market early is a huge advantage. You can begin gathering reviews and building sales history to establish your product as the go-to product for your market before competition increases.

Additionally, we currently offer all international launches for free, with the exception of UK launches.

The International Product Launches and international amazon data Viral Launch offers for each Amazon international market

With Product Discovery, Market Intelligence, and our Launch platform all integrated with international markets, it’s never been easier to expand your business.

Ready to find and source your next international product? Sign up for a free Viral Launch account below and sign up for Product Discovery with international capabilities today!

Find International Products  

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